This program is for new and emerging leaders within your organization that are high performers and tracking for a management and leadership role within your organization.  

 This is a great way to retain your high performers, train them for a leadership role within your organization, lower turnover and prepare them for the responsibility of a leadership role moving forward.   

This program includes 1 ticket to our annual Inspire Leadership Conference in 2024!  


  • Communication 101

  • Authentic Leadership

  • Culture/Team Dynamics

  • Time Management

  • Establishing Processes

  • Setting Expectations

  • Accountability

  • Conflict Resolution

  • Resiliency

  • Influence & Persuasion

  • Managing Across Generations

  • CEO RoundTable

Artemis Emerging Leaders Academy

Impacts of Poor Leadership:


Poor leadership erodes culture. Leaders who lack focus, fail to address issues proactively, provide conflicting information, or, through their own actions, or inaction, can negatively impact the culture of an organization.  

Low Morale  

Ineffective leaders can quickly impact the morale of even the most motivated employee.   


Poor morale leads to low productivity which fuels employee dissatisfaction.  


Ultimately, in a toxic environment with ineffective leadership attrition will start to occur.  

Poor Customer Satisfaction  

When leaders are ineffective, customers suffer. In addition to the negative impact that poor leadership has on employees, there’s a trickle-down effect that impacts customers.